Play Yabal
in Early Access

Yabal is currently in active development. You can play it on your Windows computer with a decent GPU or use our cloud gaming option. With cloud gaming you can play Yabal in browser but only when a Vibe is active. It's experimential and ouy might encounter issues.

How to play

Before you download the Windows app please make sure your computer is powerful enough to deliver a good experience.

Min system requirements

  • GPU: Nvidia GTX 960 or equivalent
  • Video Memory: 6 GB VRAM
  • Processor: Core i5-7300U 3.5 GHz, AMD Ryzen 3 3300U, or equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM or higher
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit

Once you have a setup like above or better you should have a good gaming experience.

How to install and start Yabal

  • Download Yabal launcher here.
  • Start YabalLauncher.exe
  • Login or register an account for free
  • Click "Create or change avatar" to customize your player avatar - You can use ReadyPlayerMe as a free avatar creator - If you want to can mint one of our OG avatar passes to get your unique avatar collectible.
  • Click Start Yabal on PC

Please also check your firewall settings if you have problems receiving audio or seeing the performing artist avatar moving around. UDP ports need to be open for this. If you have no idea what we are talking about it's likely your firewall settings are ok for Yabal.

IMPORTANT: If you are attending Yabal from an office space it's very likely it will not work due to incompatible firewall settings. Best is to play from home.

Have fun!